Attire- is it so important?

Attire- is it so important?  

Attire-Is it so important? 

A piece of my writing on a very little but common for …

About stitches…

Attire- is it so important? 

Is it possible to be dressed neat and perfect everyday ??

yes of course.we need to be.

Everybody takes a look at themselves before they leave home.First thing on their mind comes. Is my dress ok? 

A small girl in her pretty dress says, mommy my skirt is so lengthy, fix it to be short.

Immediately her brother bullied her even though my kurta is long. Am I bothered about it? I bear mama if she is  little wrong on her stitches.let her learn the correct way I lend my kurta even for her stitching as my granny does for my daddy . she does me right when I am married.

A woman says ,I have got enough stuff to do w it.prior I should fix my shoulder fit not comfortable when I toss some cauliflower in the butter.

She would have given silk blue thread around the neckline to enhance a little as my husband admires me, If am in blue, says the oldwoman in the house.

Mommy ,please help me out of this bloody tie knot ,u would have chosen my wife to be little concern on the collar stitches …

stands like a hoisted flag ..

not proper as u do…

Said the son to his mother with a little concern on his throat .

He knew the cause well ,if he raise his voice a little more…

Ma, there is some ,new trendy' aari work' blouse u get for me this Diwali in some common maroon r peacock blue I wished that not more than that.,

Says the maid.

An old man before his last breath commands his wife  to fix a button on his blue kurta.Just remain calm for a while , let me finish my offerings to God ,once I finish my part you wear on it,only my stitching stops you to get out of the bed , murmured old woman.

She was weeping, fixing too many buttons on her husband's blue kurta. She was longing for her man to be back at least to yell at her !what a mess ,have u done on my favorite blue wear! You, silly woman get out of my eyesight…

This is life. People on all ages fond of their dress ,their perfect ,fit,,, stitched one…😜

 Then we realize the person behind us for a neat stitching Tailor.Its nothing wrong , a woman in the house spares little time on her stitches….Be happy to stitch more.

-Yours Lovingly 

Bhuvana Gopi
